Crossing Kids is all about loving Jesus, teaching kids, equipping families, and having fun! We believe parents are the primary teachers and role models for their kids, and we’re here to support and equip families to raise lifelong disciples.
Our thinking is it takes more than one hour a week. It takes more than good Sunday School teachers. It even takes more than good parents. It takes the whole church, and it takes a whole lifestyle!
Crossing Kids is here to come alongside parents and offer:
- age-appropriate, interactive classes on Sunday mornings that teach through the timeline of the Bible every three years;
- parent training for doing discipleship at home;
- extra-curricular events throughout the year;
- opportunities for families to serve together;
- resources for family discipleship.
To ensure we provide a safe place for learning, all volunteers are background-checked and have been involved at Crossing for a minimum of six months. Once a child is checked in, a matching name sticker and security tag are printed. For security, children will not be released from their class without the matching tag unless we have a ministry leader look up the parent’s contact information. If you would like to volunteer in Kids Crossing, please contact Marla Ashton.